Wednesday, November 18, 2009

E 5-8

E's to get a haircut. He's to divide that hair by 3. He's to burn a third. Strike a third with a sword and throw a third into the wind.
Also take a few of those and sew them into your skirt and the rest you shall burn...
This is one DARK book, black. God is m a d.
As E's hair was divided and destroyed so will the people of Jerusalem be.
Seriously, dark. Dead bodies, scattered bones, pestilence....lots of pestilence. Hunger, wild beasts, blood, swords.
The cup o wrath is never ending it would seem.
7:9 is intense to put it mildly.
Then they (God and E) go on a sort of Eb.Scrooge type of trip to see all of the horrible things people do when they think no one is watching. Alas we see, Someone is always watching.


Jamie said...

I found the notes about the word "Lord" interesting.

According to their iniquity, it will be done to them. Little iniquity, little punishment, big iniquity, BIG punishment.

Tomorrow is 9-12

Jamie said...

We're getting close to a Pulp Fiction moment, "...and you shall know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee." Note to self: it's best to know He's the Lord before that.