Thursday, November 19, 2009

E 9-12

I forgot to mention how much I love Ezekiel bread, yumm-o. And I found a picture of the weirdness of the first few chapters...Back to the story of E.... Here's what we're going to do, says God...The temples have bean defiled therefore anyone whom cries out in anguish shall receive a mark on his/her head....they shall be saved. Anyone who doesn't shall die. This includes the elderly, the babies (how shall they know to be sad and feel anguish?) the virgins....anyone without a mark.

Isn't it funny (strange not haha) that a mark is a good thing, both here and in Egypt. In both cases you wanted the mark, you were marked not for death, but for life.

Then we have the return of the pimped out cherubim chariot. And then MORE descriptions of the wheels! The wheels have a very big role in this book, it has to mean something....why so much wheel talk?! Wheels within wheels...then I think they are describing spinners, but I'm not sure.....seriously for like 9 vs we read about the wheels.

E tries to show the people that God is going to scatter them throughout the world, by packing luggage and pretending to leave. I'm not sure anyone got the connection. These people don't need any more prophesy or proverbs, they obviously don't get it.

They need actions.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Those wheels are 20's. Ok, their 10's, but God keeps em real clean.

I don't know about the babies. Maybe that's just symbolic of how serious this whole mess is. And/or an extension of emphasis on the "do not spare" command God gave.

Tomorrow is Ez. 13-15.