Thursday, November 19, 2009

E 13-15

Chapter 13 is all about the false prophets. If there is anything that God hates worse than an idol, its a false prophet. Remember how much he used to hate the unleaded bread....those were the good ole days when all we had to worry about was yeast.

Things are so bad at this point that God even has a few things to say about his boys, Noah, Daniel, and Job. He claims that while, indeed, they would be saved....their family wouldn't have bean. Wow folks, times they are a changin.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I think He's making the larger point, that you will be saved (or not) based upon your own uprightness, and your uprightness alone. So much for the days when God said I'll save you, and your family too, since you are so righteous. God was blessing the upright and even those who were around them, now it's all about self-accountability. No mo' free rides.

I found it interesting that God, even God, seems to require of Himself proof for "conviction" and judgment. He keeps telling "Zeke" that when he sees their wickedness with his own eyes, he'll understand and know that God's judgment and punishment was justified.

Tomorrow is Ez. 16-17