Saturday, November 28, 2009

E 38-39

Gomer and all his hordes....great band name.

There shall be a war, and we're all invited.
So much for being nice and making changes for Israel.
God has a better plan, a plan involving Gog. His new plan is just to deliver all of Israel into the hands of their enemy and start from scratch.
The plan goes as follows, first help Gog to obliterate Israel, then obliterate Gog for obliterating Israel.
So who wins, you may ask?
The animals. They get a hell of a feast of flesh and blood..... or so goes God promise to them.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Some say this is a prophesy claiming that Russia (and its merry band of igits) will attack Israel, but I'm not so sure.

It is clear that God is faithful to punish AND to restore (His peoples).

Tomorrow is Ez. 40-41