Saturday, November 28, 2009

E 35-37

Down with Seir (in Edom).

So in chapter 36, God decides that the people of Israel are making him look bad. So hes going to do what he should have done all along.......make get inside and clean everyone up. He's going to sprinkle with water , give new spirits, out with the stoney hearts and in with the fleshy ones, take away famine, help everyone to remember how rotten they were so they will loath themselves.......

That'll show the bad guys, thinks God.

Then it gets C-R-A-Z-Y. As a slightly over the top dramatic effect symbolizing the rebirth of Israel, G and E bring the dead back to life.

God has E do some magical thing with these sticks that is to symbolize the joining of Israel and Judah. But God knows its a stretch. He knows no one will get it and he says to E " And when your people say to you, Will you not show us what you mean by these?"........ and He tells him what to say.
That cracks me up for some reason and makes me think of "Why don't you just TELL me the name of the movie you want to see"

I wonder is the people will come around after god does all this for them?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I think the giving of a new heart is extremely symbolic of what can do for each one of us if we ask Him.

Another lesson I think could be taken from this text is that you don't have to be the one doing MOST of the bad stuff to be doing wrong. God is mad at several of these other countries for a. helping the bad guys, and b. for laughing at the misfortune of others.

God gives more promises of redemption, and blessing in the future...which I think correlates into hope.

Tomorrow is Ez. 38-39