Sunday, November 29, 2009

E 40-41

Its hgtv, the Biblical version part 2.
This time is our dear prophet E, working side by side with a bronze angel. They are building another Holy of Holies. So now is this THE holy of ALL holies now? Not the last one they built. And conversely, will this one seize to be THE holy of holies when and if another one is built?


Jamie said...


Admittedly, this kind of reading is difficult for me to concentrate on.

Tomorrow is Ez. 42-43

Whendsome said...

Thank you! I'm telling you I could not figure out what was wrong with that word. I knew it wasn't right but couldn't for the life of me, figure out the right one. Twas blank. Then I looked up the saying and it kept saying seize to exist. I KNEW that ws wrong.