Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Isaiah 13-17

The downfall of humanity shall be a feast for the eyes, I tell you. Many many interesting images in these chapters. Some of my favorites include the dancing demon goats, ostriches living in houses, serving up tea....

And then there's the infants being ripped to shreds, the wives being ravaged....

All and all I felt like crap after I read it. I just want these guys to listen! HELLLLLLO people! But then again at some point you have to be put up or shut up. And I think God is just about to put up all over this promise land.

Lots of talk of prophecies being fulfilled in the notes. God said this land will be filled with demon goats and it was, this land will become a marsh land, and it did...

Why did I picture Mike Seaver reading this to me? Any ideas?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm glad you brought up the fulfillment of prophesy. A lot of people think that the Bible was all written at once, and all after the fact. But in reality most of it was written a little at a time, and "distributed" slowly over a very long period of time. So the prophesies that were fulfilled, as it says in the notes, were made many times, hundreds, if not thousands of years before they happened. And to think people are impressed by vague prophesies of Nostradamus and the like.