Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2 Kings 16-17 2 Chron.28

We have yet ANOTHER dud king on our hands here peeps. This guy not only burns incense (shouldn't it be insents?) but he even sacrifices his own son. Whatever! he may be the worst one yet.

Syria and Israel come to Jerusalem to start a war with this fella but are unable to conquer him. Ahaz, the idol lovin, incense burnin, son bbquing king of Judah asked for help from the Assyrian king. When Ahaz wen to visit the Assyrian king he totally dug his alter and wanted one built just like it.

He dies and his son, Hezekiah takes over (any idea why this book is called kings?) Israel also has a new king, Hoshea. Hes a bad guy. I know?! Surprising, right?

The king of Assyria takes the Isralites away because the SECRETLY did bad things against the Lord. Was it a secret though? really?

We get a reminder of all the warnings God has given these people and all the bad they ave done. He just wants them out of his site, all but the tribe of Judah. God finally takes Israel from David's line and gives it to Jehroboam.

Israel is now gone, out of the promised land and into Assyria. I think he HUGE that He didn't smite or slew the whole lot of them. A few books back and they would have all been dog meat, literally.

So the king sends a priest to go and teach these people about God and all he has done for their people yadda yadda yadda. They can dig it, kinda. I sorta see it like this "Yeah, thats really cool and all.....butt look what this god likes" and they burn up their kid.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Forgiveness is not always synonymous with no discipline.

For example, when my kids do something wrong, I almost immediately forgive them, but they will probably still get punished...even if they express that they're sorry for what they did.

What was that saying? A punishment not borne in blood is soon forgotten. Something like that.