Thursday, October 8, 2009

Isaiah 18-22

Let's just start with a passage that describes my week thus far....Egypt has been caused to a drunken man staggers in his vomit. Its all about the vomit this week apparently.

Then we hear that Egypt, Assyria and Israel will become a trifecta of love for the Lord. Ok if God has the power to make the Egyptians follow his teachings, why didn't he just do that in the first place?I know it would have ruined the book, but it may have saved a few million lives?

THEN Isaiah is told to walk around naked and barefoot for three years?! You just know he was thinking, "what happened to the 40 days? This was a warning to the Egyptian people as to what would happen if they loose this war with Assyria.

Instead of repenting and covering themselves in sackcloth and ashes, the people decide to as Dave Matthews puts it "Eat, drink, and be merry....for tomorrow we die!" I just sorta feel like this is the way to do it. If you know you are going, go out happy and full.

You know how I love Biblical, pop culture references:

TRIPPIN BILLIES, Dave Matthews Band
We were above
You standing underneath us
We were not yet lovers
Dragons were smoked
Bumblebees were stinging us
I was soon to be crazy

Eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow we die
'cause we're tripping Billies

We're wearing nothing
Nothing but out shadows
Shadows falling down on the beach sand
Remembering once,
Out on the beaches we wore
Pineapple grass bracelets

So why would you care
To get out of this place
You and me and all our friends
Such a happy human race
'cause we're tripping Billies

We are all sitting
Legs crossed round a fire
My yellow flame she dances
Tequila drinking oh our
Minds will wonder
To wondrous places

So why would you care
To get out of this place
You and me and all our friends
Such a happy human race

Eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow we die

1 comment:

Jamie said...

God didn't make the Egyptians follow His teachings. It was a prophesy that they would. God doesn't MAKE anyone follow Him.