Sunday, September 13, 2009

1 Kings 8, 2 Chron 5-7, Ps136

Its moving day! The temple is done, bringeth forth the Holy tchotchkes. They get all moved in and then they sacrifice sooo many animals that they couldn't even keep count! WHAT? These are people who love numbers, love counting stuff.....that must have been a Tarantinoesque mess.

Then the Lord shows up, hes a big giant cloud. The priests can't minister over the grand opening due to the power of the cloud. So here's what I started to think....why is it that rain on your wedding day (which ISN'T ironic) is considered bad luck? If I were to ever get married again, I would now consider it lucky.....rain? or God?

Now before I get schooled and Jamie tells me that it isn't simple "cloudy, or rainy" but an actual cloud is IN the building, I know. But I would think that from that image of God's presence a, superstition isn't the right word but its all I can think to call it, would be born. Like a cloud hanging over an important day, such as a wedding would be a good thing. Know what I mean, lima bean?

Solomon gives a speech despite the cloud of the Lord. He speaks directly to Him, giving him thanks for all the Egypt stuff. I wonder if He ever wants to say "ENOUGH!, I get it....thanks for getting us out of Egypt.....thanks for the Red Sea....I know, I know" Something that really bothers me is when I am over thanked. Especially for doing something that either, simply had to be done or for doing something that was no big deal. Say "thank you" to me once and I'm good, people that go on and on about it make me uncomfortable. I may be accused of being unappreciative when I thank someone, I don't know? Because you get one, thank you, from me and that's it, I am not a gusher.

Did I digress?

In his speech Solomon asks God to please listen to the peeps when they are asking forgiveness. I was particularly interested in vs 37....the mildew. Our school has so much mold and mildew that most of the teachers stay sick. hummmmm?

Also vs 39, Solomon asks that God look at the person's heart. Saying that He alone can know whats going on, on the inside. I person's true intent. Solomon goes on to say that when His people sin, which they will because all of man does, he asks that God listen to their plea for forgiveness. Look into their heart and see if they are truly sorry for what they have done.

He finishes and then sacrifices as a peace offering 22,000 oxen, and 120,000 sheep. Ok so THAT many they can count? See what I'm saying here, bees and gees? And secondly, how long does it take to kill that many animals? I would imagine it would take days and days.

Chron 7 sorta picks up where Kings 8 ends. Its the end of the grand opening, the big giant red ribbon has bean cut and a great fire has consumed the peace offering. (that's ALL I need, God...if you could just have a great fire come down and consume a hamburger I leave on my lawn, you would have a faithful servant). God speaks to Solomon and confirms that his prayers were heard and that he will keep his end of the bargain, to listen, if they keep their end, to obey.

Ps 136 Giving thanks for all the smoting and slewing and loving kindness.


Jamie said...

Holy tchot...? what?

Rain and "smoke" are synonymous? Are you feeling ok, today?

No, I don't understand rubberband, and apparently neither does the rest of humanity, because that "superstition" never took, ya weirdo. Wait a minute! Could you just have come up with an original thought? Maybe. Or maybe somene else thought of it and didn't want to be made fun of so they kept it to themselves.

The forgiveness paragraph was very, very good. I couldn't have said it better.

Yeah, I think the point behind 136 is.....His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever. I didn't rememeber that every single verse ends with that phrase.

Many of the notes in this reading were very insightful as well, but they were too long to include on here. We get a hint that Solomon might be a little too wise for his own good. Or at least at least a little lazy and irresponsible. We'll see.

Jamie said...

Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name. Had to share that, I've bean singing it all morning for some reason. It's a part of a song we used to sing in our church when I was a kid. For some reason it just popped into my head.

Whendsome said...

Oh bless the Lord my soul!
His praise to thee proclaim!
And all that is within me join,
To bless His holy name!
Oh yeah!
Oh bless the Lord my soul!
His mercies bear in mind!
Forget not all His benefits,
The Lord, to thee, is kind.

He will not always chide
He will with patience wait
His wrath is ever slow to rise
Oh bless the Lord
And ready to abate
And ready to abate
Oh yeah!
Oh bless the lord
Bless the lord my soul
Oh bless the lord my soul! He pardons all thy sins
Prolongs thy feeble breath
He healeths thine infirmities
And ransoms thee from death
He clothes thee with his love
Upholds thee with his truth
And like an eagle he renews
The vigor of thy youth Then bless His holy name
Whose grace hath made thee whole
Whose love and kindness crowns
Thy days
Oh bless the lord
Bless the lord my soul
Oh bless the lord my soul! Bless the lord my soul
Oh bless the lord my soul!
Bless the lord my soul
Oh bless the lord my soul!
Bless the lord, bless the lord
My soul!
Bless the lord my soul!

Whendsome said...

Pronunciation: \ˈchäch-kə, ˈtsäts-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Yiddish tshatshke trinket, from obsolete Polish czaczko

Whendsome said...

when the priest had come out of the Holy Place the CLOUD filled the Lord's house"

Most superstitions manisfest themselves into a odd form their origin. Example:"knock on wood" because people used to think the tree spirits could help them in times of need.Do we think that today? not most of us, butt it has become a morph of the origin.

My point is that instead of seeing rain on your wedding day as bad, I wonder why people don't see it as good because it may mean that God and all His Holy Cloudiness is there with you. I KNOW IT NEVER TOOK, THAT'S MY POINT! What DID take is rainy wedding day = bad. couriouser and couriouser.

Jamie said...

Whatev clown! Just make me a bicycle, clown!

Whendsome said...


Whendsome said...

wait I changed my mind....abbra cadabbra-----YOU'RE A BICYCLE!

Jamie said...

You have to start limiting the freeing of your bees. Leave a few in there next time.