Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ps134, 146-150, 1 Kings 9 2 Chron 8

SoOooO I watched a show this morn that made me think of the Psalms. Twas about the Dust Bowl years. These people I feel pretty confident, were reading these Psalms and wondering what in the world they had done wrong. It was awful. Worse than I had ever really known. I imagine most of these were honest God fearing people. I also imagine they were pretty sure this was the end of the world. Not only did they have these terrible hour, sometimes day long dust storms brought on by drought, that was just the tip. They also had infestations of centipedes, grasshoppers and jackrabbits. Children were dying because of the dirt in their lungs, there was no food, no money, little water...

The irony was that the very dust that was brought on by drought was itself causing the drought, yet another Petterman moment? Scientist today have found that the large amounts of dust actually cause light to be reflected back into the atmosphere, thus preventing the condensation and evaporation needed for the perception.....that friendly cycle that we all love.

Man, now THAT was a digression.

My point is that I know these people were reading about a God that controls the heavens and the Earth and makes the rain for the fields.... and I wonder how much sleep was lost trying to make it all right so that God would open his heavens and allow the rain to fall. So what was it? Was it God being angry? Was it the repeated tilling and planting of a drought plagued area? Could these people have prayed harder?

1 Kings 9/ 2 chron 8
Solomon and God are having a little rap session and God is telling him that if he walks the right path he shall have it made in thy shade. And if not, all of Israel shall suffa.

After the building of the houses Solomon gave Hiriam 20 cities, because he supplied the cedar etc... By alas, Hiriam didn't like his cities.

Solomon gets people to work. And moves the daughter of Pharaoh into her house. And observes the Sabbath.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The dust bowl was completely man made. Irresponsible clearing of all the trees, etc.

We see in this reading and the last (which I forgot to mention) that God is faithful to fulfill and keep His promises, but, again, He expects us to do the same. He is also willing to forgive if we ask Him. And lastly, there are consequences..."I'm sorry", doesn't necessarily make it all right.