Sunday, July 19, 2009

Deuteronomy 30-32

First I have to say I am so glad to be on a for real keyboard. Secondly I will be very happy to once a gain have spell check.

I believe we are reaching the climax of our journey. I'm hoping the next book is called "Ready, Set, Gooooo" But I'm not holding my breath.

So guess what? WE GET A SONG. Yep that's right bees and gees, nope its not the Song of Solomon, its not ol' Walt's Song of Myself, its Moses, we get the song of Moses.

Moses knows that this is it. He's 120 yrs old and if not now, then when. When will he take that chance at a singing career, cause his star is about to die.

Personally I think its tired song, I've heard it all before. Its like he's a 60 rock cover band. More review. God is Good, God is Great, Lettuce thank Him for this food....lest we be slaughtered.

Let me put aside my ugly cynical mind and say I'm sad to see Moses' sun setting. I love Moses. I am totally going to miss Moses, the funny way he would fall on his face when the crazy Israelites would get outta hand! The way he always smelled like burned animal flesh. He's like the nutty old uncle at the family reunion....

He goes on to tell them that they are going to screw up, and that God is gonna get them for it. You totally know those idiots are just looking up at him and rolling their eyes, thinking "yeah, yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before!" but the crazy think is, they have heard it all before and they've also seen that He don't play.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Yes, it foretells of further mass disobedience by Israel. And it alreadly lets them know that forgiveness is theirs when they do these things, if they repent.

We see, again, that God will ABUNDANTLY prosper them, and just like I as a father love to give to my children, He loves to give to us.

I love vs. 11-14 I can't believe Miss Crystal missed it since this was one of her points of contention earlier with all of the rules. "For this commandment which I command you this day is not too difficult for you, nor is it far off. ... But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your mind and in your heart, so that you can do it."

God will fight for, and ahead of us. 31:8 is another great one.

Again, teach these to your children.

Moses begins putting on Joshua.

We see that God is a god of His Word, for both reward and punishment. Our problem is (as humans, we always want a do over. No matter how many times we screw up. God has for thousands of years given them to us, but we have to expect that sooner or later the do-overs will be over. In track they have false starts, but you don't get one after the race is over and the finish line has been crossed. That's the way it is with us. We get re-starts all the way up til we die, then the race is over. You can't ask or expect a re-start after you've crossed the finish line. There are gonna be head winds in life, your shoes might no fit just right, you might get a cramp, and other runners might cause you to stumble, but once the finish line is crossed, there are no excuses.