Friday, July 17, 2009

deuteronomy 28-29

Blessings, curses, women eating afterbirth.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

As I Christian and believer I will tell you that I pay little attention to the curses. Afterall, those are not mine. Mine are the blessings. People who focus on the curses are those to whom they are meant. That's not to say they aren't important, esp. to non-believers.

Listen DILIGENTLY to the Lord. Effort. That's how this reading starts and finishes. In 29:19, we see that God knows whether or not we're being sincere. So you cannot fool God into thinking you're a Christian despite living differently. That's why a serial killer on death row can't fool God into thinking he's a changed person. God would know the sincerity of his heart. That does not mean that you cannot question and continue to learn. You have to believe in Him and His Son. Pray that prayer as we discussed before. And make a sincere effort to live according to His Word.

You'll be blessed in all that you do, and wherever you are. God's blessing will overtake you. I like that one. I picture all of these good things chasing me down, and slide tackling me. He will cause you to be honored and respected. In vs. 11 it says you'll have a SURPLUS of prosperity. God is not a god of just enough, He's a god of more than enough. Abundance and overflow....of finances, health, joy, strength, peace, favor, respect, honor, etc. vs. 13 The head and not the tail, above and not beneath. This what God has in store for the Israelites (and today's believers). And then there's the flip side for those who break their covenant with Him. He is fair, faithful, and just in blessing and in discipline and in punishment. These words are prophetic and absolutely came true.

29:18 give again cause why they should get rid of evil among them...because it's like a poisonous root...which can corrupt the whole. This isn't about someone who makes a mistake now and then, this is about someone determined to undermine and live a life displeasing to the Lord and against His covenant with them.

In 29:29..."The 'SECRET' things belong unto the Lord our God, but the things which are revealed belong to us.." There are things which our tiny, little human brains don't and can't know or understand. That isn't an example of how inferior we are, but how superior God is.

Tomorrow Deut 30-31