Sunday, July 19, 2009

Deuteronomy 33-34 and Psalm 91

Well that's it Moses is gone.

I must admit that I did cry. That's right people I cried. Although to you who know me well, this shan't come as a big surprise as I cry at almost anything. Yes I am one of those who cries at commercials. I cry when telling one of my parents how great their kid is doing in my class. I cry when the wind blows too lightly....or too hard....

The Israelites cried as well.

They cried for 30 days? 30 days is sort of an insult I think. EVERYTHING else these people do they do for 40 days. I think they owe Moses 10 more days of tears. Isn't Moses at least worth the full monty?

For real though, Moses was cool. He's like that character in a book you read, the one that you think about all the time. And it takes you a minute to remember if you really knew that person or if he was just someone you read about. You catch yourself thinking, "I wonder what he's up to these days?" and then you realize......

If there is a heaven and I make it, the first thing I'm going to do is set up a dinner date with Moses. We'll hash out all the world's problems over a couple of glasses of strong drank.


Jamie said...

Something I've never noticed before was that in 34:6 it says that HE buried Moses. God personally buried Moses! Now that is honor. And let's not forget, so that we're not too sad. Moses doesnt get to go into the Promised Land, BUTT does get to go to Heaven. I mean, which would you choose? Milk and Honey, or God's Presence forever. Hmmm...I'll take Heaven, I'm not a big fan of milk or honey and certainly not milk AND honey, yuck.

Did you really expect the Israelites who forget about all of the great things God has done for them to properly acknowledge Moses' sacrifices and services to them?

I love Ps. 91. It's like wrapping yourself in a warm blanket. I esp. like vs. 11 and 12. Many times throughout the school year before my kids go to school I read these two to them. Also, whenever they are afraid at night. And whenever, like my oldest daughter who recently left on a ten day missions trip, I declare this over them.

And in vs 14 we see, yet again, that God so wants a personal relationship with us. He loves us so much. He loves, you, Miss Crystal, so very much.

Jamie said...

Today's reading is Joshua 1-4

Whendsome said...

I was so caught up in Moses departing that I failed to mention how much I did love Psalm 91. It was lovely. It does give you a feeling of positivity and safety. I can see how it would be comforting to a child at night.

I so want to be one of those people at a funeral who says and TRULY believes "they are in a better place now". I want to picture my people hanging around the clouds, living it up.

These two reading epitomize the wants and desires I have for religion. I want that feeling of peace. I want the feeling of "a better place", who wouldn't?

However....I know people who get so caught up in the "the better place" that they forget to LIVE now, here, on Earth. This is the life we are given, to live. To experience all that we can, to love, to feel pleasure, to have fun, to mess up, to create, to lose, to feel sadness, to feel joy, all of it.

The skeptic in me will always wonder "What if THIS is it?"