Monday, July 20, 2009

Joshua 1-4

We have made it to Joshua and I am pretty stoked I must say, being a rabid Battles BC fan.

Interesting story to start us off. Josh (do you mind if I call you Josh?) sends a couple of folks to the city to spy.

They of course go to a harlot, who wouldn't. She does good however, harlot that she is and hides the fellas when people come looking for them. She tells the spies that the people are very worried. They have heard about all that this God can do, and that He has promised this land to His people and frankly they are all a bit freaked out.

She asks that her people not be killed since she has helped them. They agree and tell her to hang a red thing in her window and as long as her people stay inside they will be safe but if they leave (a bet someone leaves) they shall be slain.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Josh is stopping the Jordon from a flowin'! Why Moses and the Red Sea get all the props, I don't know.

I guess technically, he doesn't stop the river, the Arc of the Covenant does, so perchance that is why. Josh has the men folk take 12 stones out of the dry river bed and use them to set up an alter.

His reason?

Same reason we put plaques and such to remember events, So, in later generations, families can take long boring road trips to see the 12 stones.....pretty smart eh?


Jamie said...

The visuals are great as usual. I'm not sure if that's the teacher in you or the artist.

I will not call him Josh cause I'm one of those weird people who don't always think nicknames are better than the real ones. I o w, I like Joshua better. But anyway...

Who has better info than a harlot? I mean really. They're sleeping with everybody and we know how guys like to spill the beans with girls they're sleeping with. So if anyone knows the low down, she will. The deal is struck as Crystal says. The scarlett cord is symbolic of the putting blood on the door posts during the pass over. You might say this is unoriginal (although) it's been like 40 years. But I say there's something to be said about consistency.

In both cases, it's by God's power that the water is parted/stopped. So, I'm with your original thought, Joshua should get more props than he does. If you'll notice God like to do big things in big ways....He's a bit of a show off, but then He's God. I mean if you were God wouldn't you show off from time to time? What I'm getting at is the abundant prosperity, the Jordan being in flood stage, etc. I mean why not normal or below normal stage? Wouldn't that be miraculous enough? Let's face it, we may not act like we do, but everybody loves a show off.

The Israelites say they will listen to Joshua just as they listened to Moses. Did anyone else NOT find this comforting?

Lots of encouragement by God to Joshua. All of this applies to us, today, as well. God is with us. Do not be afraid. He is near, and will help, etc.

Couple of important surmises about the harlot...God can use anyone to do good and to help His people (us). And maybe (no, it doesn't say this specifically, but I think it's safe to assume) she is a repentant harlot from this moment. I mean, we know that God cannot tolerate unrighteousness in His midst, so can we assume she has changed? Why not? We could be cynical I suppose.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow is 5-8

Whendsome said...

It's both, the artist and the teacher. I'm a very visual person. I'm an advertisers "special" dream. It you package something beautifully I want it, no matter what it is. It's the visual that matters. It also leads to aid in my skeptisim, as I said earlier today....I need to see it, to believe it. Even with the math I teach, I "see" the numbers in my head. I easily can get off subject when teaching is brought up....I just love it so much, and I love to talk about it.
And yes, you are right, we all love a show off. And yes, I hate to admit it.

test said...

Jamie Wrote:

He's a bit of a show off, but then He's God. I mean if you were God wouldn't you show off from time to time?


The fallacy with this is the obvious nature of the diminishing God. During the period where the Bible was written, there were hundreds of miracles and acts of godliness attributed to the Judeo-Christian God, thousands!

That's an awful lot of miracles -- Presumably at least one person witnessed each miracle. Think of how many names fill just one phone book.

Now imagine a whole world full of phone books. That's a lot of people.

Weren't all of their free wills affected? How is God hiding if millions of people saw Jesus and the miracles he performed?

Jesus claims to be God, and Jesus is a physical being running around Israel for all to see. He apparently performed millions of miracles in front of millions of people.

The God of the Bible is not hiding -- God is so hungry for publicity like Jamie says, he's a bit of a show off.

He loves exposure so much that he actually incarnates himself and then starts performing miracles for everyone on the planet. Then he creates a God-breathed book to describe everything and publishes billions of copies all over the world.

Yet, for some reason, God wants none of us today to see any of those miracles because he "needs to remain hidden" so that he will not "taint our free wills."

Does that seem likely? Or is it more likely that Jesus never performed a real miracle? When you combine this evidence with the fact that Jesus answers no prayers (start with Proof #1), it is clear to us what is actually happening.

The idea that God is "hiding" is ridiculous. He simply doesn't exist and today's culture would not accept the Bible were it written today, it's so absurd, and that is the real reason why there is absoutely no evidence for God today.

test said...

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. (John 21:25)

They had free will taken away from them, and had no fucking problem, why do we get stuck with such a hard path of faith to "believe in him"?

Hint: nobody saw jackshit miraclewise, Joshua included.