Saturday, April 3, 2010

The end....and the Beginning

Well here I am. I started this journey a bit more than 300 days ago, wanting only to understand this faith. I had no intentions on accepting it as my own, and yet something happened in me that I can't explain. It didn't happen all at once it wasn't as if I had an epiphany or a particular "ah ha" moment. It was a gradual process, a gentle tug that gave way to a strong yerning to be a part of something greater than myself. I felt more at peace durning those early morning readings than I could ever imagine. I began to see God in the everyday decisions that I made, I found that when I had a problem, I was able to turn it over to Him and feel safe in the outcome.

Are there holes in the logic? Sure there are, a old skeptic like me will still ask questions but I am now willing to accept faith as an acceptable answer. As someone who has had no faith in anyone or anything for her entire life, this comes as a welcomed gift. Its as if I can let go a little, worry a little less and feel safe and at peace that no matter what everything is going to be alright. I've never felt that way....ever. This is all I wanted, truly. All I wanted was to have faith in something, to be able to believe in something....I got that and so much more.

And so 3 days ago I began my life with a fresh outlook. I have accepted Jesus Christ as the son of God, and my personal savior, I have admitted that I am indeed a sinner and accept that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I accept the 10 commandments as the Law of God, and will try with all of my heart to follow them (especially that murder one, butt that one may be hard).

So, here I am, this is the new and improved me.....this is the beginning.

Psalm 46:10

1 comment:

MiMi said...

Crystal, as I read this last post of this blog I have shed such tears of joy you cannot even imagine. I have prayed for this day and asI have read this I knew Jamie was leading you down the path. I have prayed for him and thanked God for his presence in your life. NOthing matters to me more in this life than salvation for the people I love. sorry to go on and on but I am so emotional and happy for you, Scott and your children. You have made me one happy mother.