Monday, March 15, 2010

Colossians and Philemon

Another letter that is needed to address the issues of this new religion. I have to take a moment and do what I am constantly telling my students when we are discussing communication in ancient times. Imagine how long it took for all of this info to get where it needed to be, its almost impossible to imagine it. (so, so hard for kids to do this).

There is still some confusion as to what to eat, what not to eat, when to drink, when not to drink.....and just like in the other letter, we see that we are to use common sense. As long as its coming from the right place, so be it.

Chapter 3 is chock full o goodness.

Not much in Philemon. Tis another letter from Paul as he is still in prison.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

If you are truly changed by believing in Christ, then you will act truly changed.

Today's reading is Ephesians