Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2 Cor. 5-9

I say we all move to Corinth....

There was more talk about our earthy house vs our spiritual house. I thought a lot about what Jamie said yesterday about gaining knowledge as we get older and how that goes against all that happens to our bodies, or our earthly homes......and its just so true. It made me also think of this African proverb "every time an old man dies its as if a library has burnt down." I read that so long ago and it has always stuck with me.

It also talked about not hanging with the non believers. I understand what this is saying, but I think maybe it can be taken too far also. What woulda happened had Jamie not stuck it out with me for over a year. Like I told him the other day, had we not been such close friends and had I not trusted and respected him him so much (both of which were cultivated through friendship, which takes time) I never would have listened and agreed to do this. I realize that its not the same for everyone, but I think in befriending non believers and building that relationship of trust and respect, you have a better shot at having them listen and accept what you have to say.
Again, that's just my situation and maybe it worked because Jamie's so strong in his beliefs. I can understand where this warning is coming from I just can also see where it could be used for bad.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Very true about friendship. I try to use a common sense approach when it comes to God's Word, which I think is called logocentrist. As Crystal said we are friends, but if I lived near her, I wouldn't have gone out and hung out with her at some places that she used to go and some of the people she used to hang out with back when we re-connected. So, there's a line. I know she knows that, but she's right when she says some take it too far.

6:14 has been used by people, including relatives of mine, to say that people should not marry people of other races...of course they leave out the "with non-believers" part; they just use the unequally yoked part. Silly.

Freely giving. More sowing and reaping....very important principle in every area of our lives. Are you not seeing something happening in your life? Start sowing in others. You can't reap what you don't sow.

Tomorrow is 2 Cor. 10-13