Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2 Cor. 1-4

Funny that there was talk of "yes" and "no"..... Sometimes we plan on doing something, we say yes to it.....but this is a plan made here according to the flesh, what if God steps in and changes what you are meant to do.....then are you a liar?
Nope, you are just listening to the higher power within yourself.

".....since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal, but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting."

These two things are absolutely the exact two things I needed hear today. And what's strange is that I had a harder time reading this morning than I probably ever had. I get up every morning at 5:30 to read and blog. This morning I got up but didn't start to even read until 6 because I was doing something else, then when I did start I stopped twice and put it down. I told myself I would just do it later. I have never not read and blogged if I had gotten up on time (not over slept). It was just a strange morning.....

Finally though I decided it was silly to be up and not get it done...and ta dah it had these two things in it that had been weighing on me.....how about that?!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

True about the 'yes' and 'no', but it also means that God doesn't say one thing and mean another.

1:20 is another verse explaining why we pray 'in Jesus' Name'.

Your second paragraph is interesting, too, because like the entire Christian worldview this describes accurately the reality of the duality of our minds and bodies (incl. the brain as an organ). Our physical bodies over time weaken, decay, and eventually die, but our minds become more mature, knowledgeable, wise as we grow older. I would say because this is our spirit/soul that is eternal. It would stand to reason that if we were merely natural/material beings having no supernatural mind/spirit/soul as evolutionists/atheists claim, that our minds as merely chemical firings in the brain (purely physiological occurences) would too degenerate as our brains/physical bodies degenerate; but, outside of the exceptions of physical impairments/disease like senility or Altzheimer's etc., they do not. This point is made ever so clearly in the fact that we are at our physical peak (including brain matter)in our late 20's and early 30's, after which, we start a slow decline physically, but our minds are ever increasing well passed our 30's. So for anyone to say that brain and mind are the same are clearly ignorant of reality. The Biblcal view of our brain-mind duality best fits reality.

Before I got through the first chapter I knew this reading was just what Crystal needed to hear today. Her struggle with getting the message in her this morning was the Enemy trying to keep her from encouragement as described in today's text. He, knows all to well, the power of God's Word. As usual, He lost again.

Tomorrow is 2 Cor. 5-9