Wednesday, March 17, 2010

1 Tim

Paul is writings this letter to his partner in anti-crime, Timothy. It's basically just housekeeping kinds of things.

Men who preach the Word should be above the rest of us in their behavior and will power. They should be married to one woman with a tight reign on their children and household. This goes against two things we know to be true......Catholic priests can't marry(Episcopal priests can, thank you a gain Henry VIII) and the children of preachers are always the biggest hellions you know.

He also talks about woman not being able to lead the church and I shall leave that one alone. Heads of churches shan't drink or want for money. Lower downers in the church leadership can drink a little however.

Take care of the old widow. The young widow shall remarry.

More about greed and money being the root of all evil. This really is true, isn't it. If you think about all the crimes committed don't most of them boil down to some type of greed?


Jamie said...

Paul gives an account again of how he was the biggest enemy of the Church.

Governements (2:2) are to maintain order so that we may live in peace.

2:5 "For there [is only] one God, and [only] one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus. Sorry, Catholics, a priest cannot hear your confessions and then ask God to forgive you - you must do this yourself.

2:8 pray without doubt in your mind...this goes to what I said before about not just believing God can do something, but that He will. Expectation.

2:9 ...women should adorn themselves modestly and appropriately and sensibly...not [elaborate] hair arrangment or gold or pearls, etc. This does not mean you cannot wear any jewelry or look nice. The first part of the verse says to adorn...adorn means to put just means that when you do where jewelry don't be flashy, and wear modest clothing - this is so you don't cause others to stumble/sin by lusting after you. vs. 10 is saying it's better to let your inner beauty shine - and this is where your thought should be put. Sorry, Pentecostals, you're taking it a little too far. But that's ok if you want to, personally; just don't judge others for not doing so.

vs. 12 women can teach and have authority in the church, just not teach or have authority over men. They can teach women's classes and children. Sorry, Episcopalians.

Chpt. 3 lists the requirements for becoming and elder (as many manuscripts call it). It does not say you cannot drink, it says to not be given to drink - like excessive drinking or needing it - an alcoholic. Ruling the household in an orderly fashion. We had an elder of our church who resigned because his 28 year old daughter was living with a man. I think this is carrying it too far. She is an adult, and no longer a part of his household. But if that is what he was led to do, through prayer, then "so be it".

Show charity to widows - a woman over 60 who has NO family. Otherwise, it's the family's moral obligation.

5:20 As for those who ar guilty and persist in sin, rebuke and admonish them...
More cure for the un-believers' call, The Bible says not to judge. This isn't judging, as I've said many times. God has already judged homosexuality (as an example) of being an abomination, and He has judged sentence/consequences of such a lifestyle as spiritual death; therefore, repeating what God says in His word is not judging - usurping God's authority. I hope that's clear to everyone by now.

Chpt 6 talks about hypocrites who teach one thing and do another (this is willful, knowing disobedience, not sins that everyone makes - even Christians continue to sin; it has to do with sincere effort. I hope this is another thing that is clear by now.)

6:7 We're going out with the same stuff we brought thing.

Concentrate on doing God's work. Let that be your focus, not money. Rich people should give/help out/share/be generous....this keeps them from getting to love their money too much.

Tomorrow is Titus

Whendsome said...

I went back and reread 2:9 about the woman because I remembered there was something I wanted to say about it. In context with surrounding verses I take it to mean sort of the same thing as a rich man not getting into heaven because he loves his money more, thus making it an idol. In these days it was rare that a woman could be made rich, what they did have were the things they had their husbands buy for them, and what else other than clothing and jewlery was there? SO I took this to mean do not spend so much time with your focus put on yourself, because, then don't you and your apperence become an idol?
Then on the flip side, I feel like if looking nice gives you confidence and makes you feel better about yourself then you're indeed doing for yourself and not to be adored or envied etc....
I know this is what you said about the inner beauty thing, I just wanted to clear it up for myself.