Friday, February 19, 2010

Galations 1-3

This a letter from Paul to the Galatians. He's just trying to explain the basics of Christianity. We must keep in mind that this is a brand new thing. The last few vs of chapter 3 sum it up best I think.
He tells them that the Law that they followed for so long as Jews was set to prepare them for the coming of the faith of Jesus, like a trainer. Now that Jesus has come, they can ditch the trainer and live through His faith. Basically....stop all that hand washing! You were so clean when He came that you were prepared to accept Him, now its all of the dirty off dirty plates.....its a mealtime free for all!!!!
I just wonder what they did with all that spare time? I bet the older people still did all that, you know how they can be.
Also it says that the lines are gone that separate the rich from the poor, male from female, master from slave...everyone can live by the faith of Christ, no matter your station in life.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Chapter 2 from about the middle (~vs17) to chapter 3 is very, very good.

The first part of chpt. 3 is sometimes taken out of context by liberation theologists and others to claim that we no longer have to abide by the commandments of the O.T. That now, as long as you believe in Christ that is all that matters. This is of course completely wrong. This what the first part of today's text when it means preaching their own "version" of the Gospel. Not interpretation, but wholly and completely false.
There are a few points that need to be made crystal (pi) clear.
1) We were all (Jews and Gentiles) were promised a Messiah - Jesus Christ - throught the Lord's covenant with Abraham.
2) We were given the Law after that to point out our sinful natures more clearly, because although we were given (by birth inherently) general revelation of right and wrong(sin) (i.e. Cain knew he sinned when he killed Abel), we needed special [or Divine] revelation to bolster it.
3) Because of our sinful nature we could not and cannot ever wholly adhere to the Law (we are not capable of righteousness and therefore could not otherwise ever be in God's presence (remember all of the stories in the O.T. about people who were not righteous through failing to practice the Law that were struck down for attempting to come into the presence of God?)).
4) Jesus said Himself that He did not come to nullify the Law, but that He came to fulfill it. As I've stated before there are rituals and there are commandments. The rituals were to make people "clean" and "pure" in order to be in the presence of God. Sacrifices were required for sin. But since Jesus came, He fulfilled the sacrifices for all time and by believing in Him, we are made righteous/perfect (our shortcomings in following the Law/commandments are covered over). In fact, we will read very shortly that if anyone is sincerely a believer and trying to follow the Law they are like another person (no longer willfully sinning or living a life of sin). However, if they are not following the Law [by willfully sinning or living a life of sin (i.e. homosexual lifestyle, etc.)] then they are not really a Christian at all. Afterall, as we've just read it is by our actions that our faith (beleif) in Jesus is verified. Therefore, we need Christ to be made righteous/perfect (have our shortcomings in following the Law covered over) so that we can be in the presence of God, Whose very nature and character is righteousness. That is why when Jesus breathed His last breath on the cross that the curtain to the Holiest of Holies was torn from top to bottom, signifying that from that point on whoever believes in Christ and verifies it by their actions - sincerely trying to follow His commandments - are made righteous/perfect and can be in the presence of God.

Tomorrow is Gal. 4-6(or 7?). We're finishing Galations, put it that way.