Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Acts 15-16

Interesting stuff today I think. What a lot of work these guys have to do.

Paul and his crew are meeting with people and explaining the ins and outs of Christianity. I imagine it to be a lot of "what about this......? and what about that........? is strangling my dinner ok? washing it down with a nice big goblet of warm, lumpy blood alright? is fornicating with the woman that my golden calf tells me to, in the totally fine column?......"

So MANY questions.

and that would be a no, no, and a no no....not ok.

We meet Lydia, a woman who specializes in fabrics dyed purple. Oddly specific but interesting nevertheless.

Alright Jamie the scene in which the girl keeps following the guys around screaming about the Lord, finally get on Paul's nerves had to AT LEAST give you a little chuckle. The fact that she was indeed saying something good about them, "These mean are the servants of The Most High God! They announce to you the way of salvation" and yet, she still annoyed the "you know what" out of them.....speaks volumes to me.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Yes, twas funny. I feel like maybe we don't have all of the info. Maybe she was saying it sarcastically...Yeah, right, these guys are "working" for "God". I forgot about this story, and have always found it strange and funny.

I also don't understand why the Holy Spirit and Jesus' Spirit stopped them from spreading the Gospel in those certain regions and Asia, yet. Maybe it's about focus.

Tomorrow is Galations 1-3