Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cor. 9-11

10:11 this verse says that all men feel temptations. You will never be tempted by something that you simply are unable to resist. Also it says that there will always be a way around the temptation, a way out of the situation. This is so true, the trick is being able to see that other option and have the faith to know its there for a reason.
And then we have a bunchny bunch (not the funky bunch) about woman and their place in life and how we shall all have long hair and cover our heads in prayer. In Gone With the Wind when the O'Hara family says their evening prayers the girls all put little square cloths on their heads and I never knew why....till this very day.
Also the speech given before communion: "take this is remembrance of me.." I find it interesting that he says to not take communion if you are feeling that maybe you aren't worthy and that every time I've ever been to a church that offers communion everyone always takes it. Are we all really so perfect all the time, really?
I bet if the Amish offered communion, NO ONE would rise up to take it. Then they would all do the whole. "we're not worthy.....we're not worthy...." thing.


Jamie said...

I don't know if Crystal remembers, but I've told her that I sometimes don't take communion for that very reason - I'm just not quite where I ought to be. However, after reading this part this time, it seems to say that it's ok IF you are concious of the fact that you are not ok. So maybe it's not that you can't partake, but just that you should do so with thought.

Also, feminists (who are just a form of humanists) hate this text. Once again, if it's taken into context with more verses we're about to read, and with Proverbs then it should be clear that, although, the man is to be head of the household, he is not to be a bully. Nor is he to lead as a dictator, but like any good example, with respect and love and kindness....treating his wife as himself....because they are one. He is still in charge and has the final say. Afterall, you cannot have two leaders despite what people claim. It has never worked, it always ends up in a dispute and a struggle for control and dominance. I will boldy say a marriage is not 50-50 when it comes to leadership or decisions. Although it would best serve the family as a whole and individuals if input on matters was 50-50.

The covering of a woman's head I find a little cornfusing. It seems the final verdict is that their hair (long Ms. Crystal) is their covering, but I wouldn't say anyone is wrong if they felt they should wear a covering.

Tomorrow is 1 Cor. 12-14

Whendsome said...

but long hair is so BORING! I feel about long hair the way Elaine feel about having babies...anyone can do it...its been done to death. I'll just wear a covering. hee hee