Sunday, February 21, 2010

Acts 17-18:18

Ruffians and rascals abound in Thessalonica.

Paul and Silas are preaching about Jesus to the Jews in Thessalonica much to the displeasure of the towns riff raff. They manage to convert some and they move on to the next city. BUT the ruffians and rascals, when they find out that the fellas are preaching in a nearby city, seek them out there as well........rascals

The rest is just an account of more of Paul's preaching in different cities. God came to him in a vision at one point and told him to not keep quiet, the He will be with him and that all will be ok.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The only thing I'd like to add is to remind everyone of who Paul (Saul) was before, and what he did. To think about that and then now to read how dedicated and faithful he is to serving the Lord is truely amazing.

Tomorrow is 1 Thessalonians.