Monday, February 22, 2010

1 Thessalonians.

This letter started of slow but picked up some goodness along the way and ended with a great joyous bang!

Paul wrote this letter to the Thessalonians as they are a new church and perhaps Paul thought they needed a pep talk. He reviews with them some of the finer points of being a Christian.

I love 4:9-12

He also goes over the whole death, Resurrection thing as these people were worried that their dead loved ones wouldn't get to go with Jesus when he came again. They will actually go first, says Paul.

Super love all of Chapter 5....tis all really fantastic stuff

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I also like the comments about a hard work it shows character when you don't depend on others (individuals, governments, etc.) to provide for you.

Tomorrow is 2 Thes.