Saturday, January 16, 2010

Matthew 18

The overall theme for todays reading was forgiveness. Just as God forgives us, so should we forgive each other. I find this one incredibly easy. There have been a few instances in my life in which I felt it hard to forgive, however I eventually did. Most other times I don't much have to try it just comes naturally to, a grudge holder I most definitely am not.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

In here we also see rebuking of fellow Christians....what a lot of atheists try to say is judging. This is the separation of the two. There is nothing wrong with pointing out an area of consistent sinfulness in someone's life.

Also, where many take out of context is the 'turn the other cheek' and 'forgive them 7 times 70'. The point is to forgive someone who offends you or does you wrong in some way...maybe several varying things. I don't think this is a mandate to be doormat. And anyone who does clearly ignores the other verses and books. If someone purposefully and consistently offends you in the same way, you should still forgive them, but that doesnt mean you have to allow them to continue. Look at the parable of the guy who forgave, but ended up punishing the guy he forgave because he found out that that guy didn't do likewise. Forgiveness is about mercy, but that may not always alleviate the need for justice....all things (parts and scriptures) considered.

Tomorrow is John 9-10:21