Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mark 11 John 12

nothing much new in Mark 11, so I thought I would share that Temple scene I was talking about the other day.
A bit of useless information here and sorta off subject but I found it interesting. Playing Christ in this movie and in the original play is Ted Neely. I've seen the play twice, once about 14 years ago and once 3 years ago both staring as Christ.....Ted Neely.
I met him after the second play and he signed the original movie poster I found (in the trash) with his likeness on it. Now, the movie came out in 1973. So to see Christ played by a man in his 50s is rather odd, butt he pulls it off. What was interesting to me was, that I think some people actually think he is Christ, or on a first name basis with him, at least. These old ladies were waiting around after the play with me and when he came out they spoke and prayed with him. He prayed with many, many people. And refused to leave the lobby, much to the chagrin of his cast and crew until he spoke with every single person waiting. It was a very surreal-ly sorta thing.
He, btw, was most excited to see his young face on my poster, and was even more excited that I found it in the trash. He wrote "To Crystal, Thank you for your dedication" Ted Neely (after all these years)" and on Zoe's playbill he wrote "To Zoe, a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl"
I know I'm SUCH a theater nerd!
John 12 is pret-ty heavy, man. We begin with Mary using the expensive ointment on Jesus when, as Judas says, it can be sold and the money given to the poor. But why does he want that to happen? Does he love the poor sooooo much? No, he loves money sooooo muc. So says the reading.
Jesus explains again that he shall die.... and they are again confused. He says to them that in a grain of wheat falling to the ground and dying it enriches the harvest. Spiritual Composting!
"If anyone hears my My teaching and fails to observe them, it is not I who judges them. For I have not come to judge, and to condemn and to pass sentence and to inflict penalty on the world, but to save the world"
I know there's the fine line there between pointing out if someone is doing wrong and judging, but it says so many times that He did not come here to judge, that's left to Someone else. And I do also realize that here He is speaking of non-Christians. I guess I just feel like, bottom line is, you can share with people what you believe and if they accept it, that's great and if they don't then that's their business. Life, I know, is never quite as simple as that....but it would be great if it were.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Jesus says HIS mission at that time was not to pass judgment. That, as we've already read, doesn't apply to us saying something is a sin or not. He was saying that because the time for [final] judgment had not [and has not] come yet. That has nothing to do with rebuking fellow believers or declaring sin to be sin (which aren't judging anyway).

Tomorrow is Matt. 22 and Mark 12