Monday, January 25, 2010

Luke 18:15-19:48

Nothing really new in 18

In 19, we have ourselves a parable. A noble man goes to find some land in which to be king. When he leaves he gives a few servants a little money to do a little somthin somthing with whilst he is gone.

When he returns......

behind door number one, the servant has turned his ten into twenty!

You shall be in charge of 10 cities.

behind door number two, the servant has turned his ten into fifteen!

You shall be in charge of 5 cities.

behind door numero tres, the servant has mealy sat on the money. He was afraid of his master.

The master is like "really?!, if you were afraid of me then why didn't you at least put the money in the bank so that it could earn a bit of interest? Take this man's 10 away and give it to that other guy!"

The people said "but that guy already has ten?"

"to those who get and who have, much will be given, but to those who do not get and do not have, much will be taken away"

Now at first, I must admit, I didn't think much of this parable. Taking from those who don't have much? But I try and remember that parable, much like ogres (I would like to receive some sort of award, or trophy for being able to reference Shriek in a blog about the Bible. I feel like maybe there should even be some prize money involved? If anyone knows who I contact about this, I would appreciate it) are like onions. You have to take time to peel away the layers.

I peeled and this is what I came up with. If you take your talents and make good with them, you receive much. Here of course I don't mean simply artistic talents, but whatever you have inside of you that can help people, or can make one person feel good about themselves, or can ease someones pain for a minute, or make someone laugh who is down....

these are things we ALL have inside of us.

You use these and you get much in return, which everyone knows to be true.

BUT if you just sit on these things and never give anything, not a smile, not a nice word, not a helping hand.....then poo poo on you!

Its the whole energy suckers again. If you are convinced that bad things always happen to you and you are afraid of life...then guess what.....bad things will always happen to you and life will continue to give you reasons to be afraid.

When you boil that onion down, you get this....those who give, receive.

Those who give nothing, get nothing and even worse, they get the little they have taken away. I visualize it this way.....there's a little candle inside (yes, thank you thank you...the light of the world thing.....i know) and we all know from Backdraft that fire needs air. If you never give your candle any air, not only will it flicker, it will eventually go out.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

There is also a parallel metaphor that represents those doing God's work, and Jesus coming to reign and not being accepted, etc. Jesus is the guy who came to rule, but wasn't accepted, and his disciples (and all of us) are to be busy about His work.

Tomorrow is Mark 11 and John 12