Saturday, December 12, 2009

Zech 1-7

This book starts as most prophet books start, with a chat with either the big guy himself or an angel. Zech first get his words directly from God, then he gets an angel. The angel wants to do some measuring? OK? and then I'm not sure, butt I think Santa shows up for a minute in chapter 2. I could be wrong though.
Not completely following whats going on, butt I do know Satan makes an appearance and we haven't really heard directly from him since Job.
Zech keeps seeing visions and when he asks his host angel what they are, he always asks "do you not know what these are?" and Zech says "no I don't". He then explains what they are. The smart wild ass in me wants him to say "if I knew what they were, why in the Sam Hill would I have asked!".
A flying scroll and women in jars.....this book may be stranger than Ezekiel.
They are still trying to get the temple built and God is threatening to scatter the peeps into the wind.
Very hard story to follow, thus far...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I think you read it too fast.
In 1:3 We see that God says to the Jews (as He now does to all of us) that if they return to Him, He will return to them. Forgiveness is always available.

2:8 God calls His people the apple of His eye. That's pretty nice to think of ourselves as the apple of God's eye.

2:11 Many nations shall join themselves to the Lord...the Jews are no longer the only race/nation of people that God's promises extend to. God's chosen people are now all who believe in Him. We actually saw this in earlier texts as well.

2:13 "Be still, all flesh, before the Lord..." (I can't believe Crystal missed that one)

3:4 God will do the same for anyone who asks Him.

4:6 "...Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit..."

4:7 "For who are you, O great mountain [of human obstacles]? (mountain) shall become...a mere molehill]!... How awesome is that. Instead of making mountains out of molehills, we (as believers) can make molehills out of mountains. We should declare how large our God is instead of how large our mountains are. Tell your mountains how big your God is instead of complaining to God about how big your mountains are.

7:9-10 Whenever God re-hashes something He has said earlier in all the same detail I feel like He's really trying to impress it upon our hearts. "...Execute true judgment and show mercy and kindness and tender compassion, every man to his brother; And oppress not the widow or the fatherless, the temporary resident or the poor, and let none of you devise or imagine or think evil againsts his brother in your heart."

I feel like overall God is giving them a quick reminder (which they always need) and is saying let's move forward.

Zechariah 8-14