Friday, December 11, 2009


All I ask, says God, is for a little home to call my own. Do this and all the bad stuff will cease.
God sends this word through Haggai (pronounced hagis, in my head). He's like, "do you people notice how crappy your lives have become? I mean, yes you have enough to keep you alive, but you're never satisfied! See the connection?, build me my dream home!!"
Of course what this all means is He wants to be put first in peoples lives. Don't enjoy that fine paneled house until He has His.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

That's right, God wants us to be first in our lives.

I especially like 1:13 and 2:5.

Since they have obeyed and done their part, then in 2:19 we see that God promises to do His part. That's one reason why we can know that even when we do have problems, God will turn them around and use them for our good. When we obey Him and keep our covenant with Him, He set on blessing us.

Tomorrow (act. today) is Zechariah 1-7