Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nehemiah 1-5

Nehemiah reminds us of what God said to Moses and then makes the journey to Jerusalem.
His mission: rebuild the walls.
Then we have a list of who did what in regards to the rebuilding of the walls and gate. (Poor Malchijah)
No one had much faith in the job that Nehe and his gang were doing. And when they heard that all was actually going well....well they didn't like that either
So they plotted to cause mischief.
Nehemiah finds out what they are planning and basically just handles it. He does the same thing when he finds out that the people are starving because their government is taxing the food out of their mouths.
He handles it.
Nehemiah is like the ultimate voice of reason. He sees a problem and deals.
You have to love that.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Nehemiah is a man who knows how to get things done. Of course, I would say that his devotion to God helps tremendously. I like how he reiterates that God will fight for and with them if they are attacked. I also like, how as a leader, he gives himself only the same as what his people get. He doesn't elevate himself above them. Our gov.t could learn a lesson from that. As well as the heavy tax burden dilema.

Tomorrow is Lamentations 3:37-5:22