Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Matt 8-9, Mark 2, John 5

We witness lots of healing by Jesus. All sorts of healing, not just lepers. He even heals Peters mother in law. When he does, she gets up and waits on him. I'm not saying he did it because he was hungry.....
Jesus and his band of merry followers set out in a boat. The seas were angry that day, my friend... But Jesus slept like a baby whilst his followers were tossed about like rag dolls. They finally woke Him and He calmed the seas so that everyone could rest. WHAT a guy to have around.
He does a ton more healing, meets Matthew and talks of old garments and wineskins.
I think Mark 2:23-28 is interesting and worth discussing.
John 5 is all very interesting.
I imagine it would have bean hard for these people to believe that they were standing before the Son of God. I've always wondered, what if someone today said they were The Messiah, what would we do? Would we believe faithfully, and if we questioned would that be wrong of us?
There have bean some, whom we all thought they're nuts. Which, of course, they were.
But what if?
What I'm trying to say is that I can see both sides. Now of course, Jesus was walking around healing people left and right sooooo, that may have bean a HUGE check in the "for" column.
I love John 5:39-44.


Jamie said...

John 5 is actually for tomorrow. My bad.

I kind of think it's funny that tax collectors are so closely related to preeminent sinners back then....some things never change.

They had more reason to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. The prophesy was told way before. And it was fulfilled to the letter. I think if someone had prophesied in 1000 AD about a Messiah coming, and we all knew that someone came exactly according to that prophesy (a specific one, not a vague Notradamus-like one) then we'd be foolish not to believe, too. Then, of course, all the miracles help, too.

Jesus follows God's commandments, but He is a common-sense kind of Christian....I like that in Him.

Jamie said...

John 5

The only thing I really have to say about this concerns 5:29 and how it relates to how I see Crystal now and what I hope for her in the near future.

"And they shall come out - those who have practiced doing good [will come out] to the resurrection of [new] life..."

Tomorrow, Jan. 1, 2010, Matt. 12:1-21; Mark 3; Luke 6