Friday, December 25, 2009

Luke 1-2:38

we begin with not with Jesus, but with know, the Baptist?
His dad was Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth (my daughters middle name). They were old and had no children. An angel came and said that they would have a son, to be name John. He would "prepare ye the way of the Lord" (Godspell reference...there will probably be a lot of these in thy future btw. For the unlearned (which does not include Jamie, as he has bean schooled) Godspell is a musical based on the Gospel of Matthew. I realize this isn't Matthew, however the opening number "Prepare ye the way of the Lord" I believe is sung by the "John the Baptist" character. I also realize that this is WAY more musical theater trivia than any non theater go-er wants to know.) Did I digress?
I have a Christmas concussion, I am excused from making since.
John was to make ready for the Lord a people prepared in spirit, adjusted and disposed and placed, in the right moral state.
Because Zach questioned Gabe, the Angel he was made mute until the child was born.
Then the angel visited Mary and yadda yadda yadda....she was great with child.
John was born and Zach got his voice back.
The bar was set pretty high for John he was expected to:
go on before the face of the Lord to make ready His ways
Bring and give knowledge of salvation to His people in the forgiveness and remission of their sins
Shine upon and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death
Direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace
That's one heck of a to do list, my friends.
AND THEN in chapter 2, The Prince of Peace makes His Earthly Appearance!
I love 2:19, I find some comfort in Mary keeping within herself all these things, weighing and pondering them in her heart.
And yes I do realize I find comfort in odd, unexplained places.
I just think it shows how human she was. Can you imagine, when looking down at your first born little tiny baby, knowing that he was destined for such things?
I just know that when my first was born it was as if the world suddenly came into focus. The first time I looked at her, I seemed to understand it all... everything.
I immediately understood things like curfew and calling when you arrive after a trip and needing to know where and when, and why and for how long. In a second I felt the unimaginable weight of a mothers love. And that was just my Zoe.
Mary had ALL of that, plus the worlds weight to bear....
That's why I love that passage.
Merry Christmas everyone.

1 comment:

Jamie said...


Next reading is John 1:1-14, Matt. 2, and Luke 2:39-52