Monday, November 9, 2009

Jer 38-40 Ps 74,79

I just wonder how many people listened to Jeremiah just in case. I think I would have. If someone came to Monroe and just kept on and an about swords and pestilence but said if I left I'd be ok...I think maybe I'd take a small leave of absence.
A gain Jeremiah is thrown into a dungeon where he is fast sinking into mud and is sure to die. But alas he is saved. He is saved by duh duh duh..."Ebed-melech the Eunuch" This guy has "you know what" to go to the king and tell him of Jeremiah's state.
The king commands that he be rescued.
Once rescued the king asks (ONCE A GAIN) Jeremiah to tell him what God has in store.
And I simply adore Jeremiah's response. He's like "really!? You do realize if you don't like what I say, your just going to have me put to death right. And I'm pretty sure that either way you will not listen to me. I mean...really! We've bean through this how many times!?"
However the king promised (in secret) to not have him put to death.
So Jer spilled the beans again.
And he didn't listen again and was taken by the Babylonians.
Jeremiah was given a choice as to where he wanted to live. He chose to stay in Judah.


Jamie said...

God protected and blessed Jeremiah in the end. Yes, it wasn't easy, and he had to endure some rough times, but he came out better than most in the end. His secret? Obedience to God. Even the poor people of Judah. God used the conquering of Judah for their good. They got to stay and had plenty of wine and such. Think of how bad that must have seemed at the time. Here a foreign army is invading your land, you're already poor, and expecting to be killed, but God steps in and turns that situation (even that) around for your good.

I feel like Ps 79:6 is a warning/wish, not just then, but now. We should listen and not be hard headed.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow is 2 Kings 24-25 and 2 Chron. 36. This is the last of 2 Kings and 2 Chron., and we only have one Ps. left. Day after tomorrow will be Habakkuk (which I'm pretty sure is a bad guy name from star wars), and so we are motoring right along.