Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jer 32-34

We open with our dear friend (if you were friends with a deer, would you say "my dear deer friend" or just "my deer friend",which would cover both bases if someone heard it, not red it. However, people wouldn't know that your friend was a deer. You would def have to specify that your dear friend was a deer or that your deer friend was dear to you.)
Jeremiah is in the pokey. That is, he has bean cuffed and stuffed.
Then God gets involved in some land purchasing, He's a real estate agent as well apparently.
David shall never fail to have a descendant on the throne and the Levitical(love the way that word feels to say) priests shall not fail to have a descendant to burn stuff.
Then I'm not sure what He's saying about that? Is he saying that He will break that covenant? 33:21
Zedekiah is told that he shall die, but a peaceful death it shall be.
God wants the Hebrew slaves to be set free.
So they do as they are told and set them free.
Then they do as they want and bring them back to be slaves?
I wonder how long it was betwixt the freeing and the re enslaving?
LOVE how the eunuchs are always included.
So Gods not to happy and I feel like Zedekiahs peaceful death just got tossed out zee window.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

If it was "my deer friend", is that a pun? Or?... Maybe a super pun.

God giving real estate advice?! Sweet! See, He likes to get involved in every area of our lives. How awesome is that?! Often I feel like God is telling me to buy a place in New Orleans, French Quarter. Then again, maybe that's the devil.

No breaking of the covenant. What God is saying is, If you can make the sun not rise and the moon not rise then the covenant betwixt Him and the peeps could be broken. And so obviously the sun and moon will continue to rise, so...