Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jer 30-31

30:6? Odd?
God will devour the ones who devour you. He will restore you to health. He will multiply the merry makers.
If you people will just start behaving.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I like the notes for 31:38...another coincidence. The coincidence counter is gonna explode at this rate. This goes to show that people who think the Bible is just a collection of parables and figurative stories (allegories?) are wrong. The parables are clearly shown to be parables, the rest are historical fact.

I thought today's reading was very nice. Much lighter than recent days. We see more of God's promises, and even a new covenant. God has said that they have violated the covenant they made with Him so many times, that He is finally going to throw that out, and creat a new one with them....good idea.

30:6 seems as though God was just saying that there's a lot of men crying like women in labor because of the bad things that are about to happen to them because of their iniquity.

I don't agree with the notes for 30:15. It could be true, but I think it's a bit of a stretch. I'd be more comfortable if they put it out there as an option, and not a fact, like they did for the note on vs. 22.

Tomorrow is Jer.32-34