Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ez 24-27

Another parable in which E plays a chef to God's recipe for vengeance against Judah. Jerusalem plays the pot....the pot which like a good cast iron piece, grows scummy and rusty if not carefully seasoned and taken care of.

And then God kills E's wife and forbids him to morn? And this is because?

On to the death of Tyre. It sounds like a really loverly place. In Chapter 27, we get a detailed description of the place, the likes of which I don't think we've gotten before.....about any place.


Jamie said...

I don't know why E's wife dies. E's response to that is suppose to be an example for the others somehow, but I don't understand it.

The coincidence counter has officially exploded. The notes about Tyre and its accurate history as foretold by Ezekial is astounding. Especially, the building of the causeway by Alexander the Great when he used the rubble of the former city. Amazing. See, this is why Nostradamus is a joke.

And for the record, I've looked in four different translations, and have yet to find an Ez. 25:17 that matches the Pulp Fiction dialogue. But it sounds good.

Tomorrow is Ez. 28-31

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and although I know that Thanksgiving is a strictly North American holiday, I'd like to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone including our European friends.

Jamie said...

I am most especially thankful for salvation through Jesus Christ by God's grace, my children, wife, family, Crystal, friends, and ALL of you!