Thursday, November 26, 2009

E 28-31

So the prince of Tyre as bean fancying himself as God and God calls him out on it. "You think you are God? Handle this, big guy...." Says God. And he brings forth strangers. God then has E take up a lamentation (low blow big G).
Tyre was good, then went bad, is the gist of it.
Then its Sidon's turn (wasn't Sidon a place in Lord of the Rings?)
For Sidon...pestilence.
Next on the chopping block is Egypt.
For Egypt...the sword.
God tells Pharaoh plain and simply, I am against you, I made the Nile, it is mine, and I want it back....please and thank you. Then he breaks his arms and scatters his people.
And finally a tale. Pharaoh is a once fine tree, now a pile of broken and ruined sticks...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

And all because they either thought to highly of themselves (to the level of God), reveled in others' misery, or thought their strength and honor was soley their own - giving no credit to God.

Tomorrow (act. today) is Ez. 32-34