Sunday, October 25, 2009


Prophet Nahum, who's name means consolation or comfort, lives in the time of the Assyrians reign of terror.
He starts his little tale with descriptions of God. He is jealous and vengeful. The mountains tremble before him and hills melt away.
He knows well who take refuge and trust in him.
God's going to help Jerusalem fight the Assyrians.
Nineveh is apparently the center of the Assyrian evil. Lots of talk of whoredom and harlotry. God is setting in motion quite a plan for these peeps. He's planning on sowing their nakedness (never a good thing, see there is a little good nakedness in the world and a WHOLE lot of bad nakedness). He's planning on throwing stuff at them which is going to make them filthy, so we can only imagine what that might be. Treat them with contempt, this one I love. I love it because, really what worse than someone treating you with contempt? Then the BEST of all "You will be drunk [Nineveh, with the cup of God's wrath]; you will be dazed. I love the idea of bad guys being drunk with a cup o' Gods wrath. This is like the third time someones bean served a helping of cup o' wrath. Apparently God likes it as well.
God tells the people to gather water, to prepare for a long fought battle. A battle, he then tells them they will ultimately lose. However its always best to be prepared.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The Assyrians, like the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Nazis, and even us (Americans) thought they were invincible, but God is only going to take so much blasphemy. And as the notes say, although Nineveh was spared in the time of Jonah because they repented, they will not be spared this time. Look at history, we could learn a lesson from that. Never think that it's by your own might alone. God gives all wealth and honor (lasting).

Tomorrow is 2 Kings 22-23 and 2 Chron. 34-35