Monday, October 26, 2009

2kings 22-23 2chron 34-35

Josiah was 8yrs.when he started his reign of Jerusalem. He's was a great little fella. And he found a book, a magical book. This book told of God and the laws ones must follow in order to keep God happy.
The king apparently connected with book and sorta, kinda freaked out once he realized that they were living in a bizzaro universe. NOTHING they were doing was correct.
He did a ton of house cleaning. The little guy tumbled alters and crumbled idols and killed priests and saved children. All was good, he was the best the world had seen in some time.
So of course God totally changed his mind about Jerusalem. JK! He didn't. To little, to late suckers.
I think what he did do was see to it that the king didn't live to see him serve his cup o' wrath to the peoples. He was sleeping the good sleep before the smack down was layed.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

This is an important lesson in, just cause you're sorry doesn't necessarily make it all better....something I tell my kids all the time. You should be sorry, but sometimes punishment is just that, punishment.

I was slightly cornfused when God told Josiah that he'd die in peace (a peaceful way), and then he got smote in battle. But in 2 Chron. it explained that he had stuck his nose in where it didn't belong (without getting God's ok first), and even went against God's word, so he brought a violent death upon himself. Um, that's called free will. See, God's will didn't change, just the details of how it was carried out. God wanting to grant Josiah a peaceful death out of appreciation for his dedication to Him was not a part of God's will, it was just a thang. Too often we think everything is a part of God's will...and that's not true. Let's use a sports analogy...God is going to win the football game...that's His will. We are free to play the players we want and run the plays we want, we can even change the score, afterall a win is a win, doesn't matter if its 45-10 or 2-0, but the outcome will be the same...God wins.
Overly simplistic, but that's the idea.

Tomorrow is the book of Zephaniah