Monday, October 5, 2009


Micah is very similar to Isaiah. More talk of the son of God coming, more talk of Jerusalem. Another long list of highly detailed stuff that He shall do to the bad people of the world. They shall eat and not be satisfied, they shall sow but not reap, sons shall dishonor fathers and daughter-in-laws shall rise up against mothers-in-law.

Its gonna be a hot mess, fo real.

But in the middle of chapter 7 there is a couple of beautifully calm and comforting verses.


Jamie said...


Tomorrow is 2 Chron. 28
2 Kings 16-17

Jamie said...

I wanted to point your attention to what the notes had said concerning the prophesying of the destruction of these places. Now, I know it's easy to say, Some day this country or town will be destroyed., and eventually it probably will come true, but it's the specificity of the prophesy that I think reveals (as the notes indicate) Divine revelation. Saying a town will get destroyed (eventually) one day is one thing, and saying that only one particular field will be plowed is something else.