Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This part of Isaiah is like "Jesus.....The Prequel". If you were an alien, reading this book completely cold, then Isaiah would totally give away the climax of the story. Like "The Magicians Nephew" the prequel to "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" (written AFTER all the others), Isaiah gives away an awful lot of stuff.

Nothing lasts, not the heavens or the earth, nothing except God's rightness, justice and salvation. This may be comforting to kids who see Where the Wild Things are and worry that the sun is going to die, as Max did.

God is taking away his cup o' wrath from his people and is giving it to their oppressors. So that's really good, I think. I had a cup o' wrath the other day and it really made my acid reflux flare up.

Chapter 53 was really really Jesus-y.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Yes, chapter 53 is the prophesy. This was written at least 1,000 years before Jesus showed up. And by all accounts, including those not in the Bible, the physical details were all correct. It's funny people believe in Nostradamus, even though his predictions are vague and can be generally applied, etc., but they don't want to believe in the Bible despite it's overwhelming accuracy and detail in most of its prophecies. If you re-read 53 and then read the story of Jesus' life and crucifixtion, you'll see it is extremely accurate and specific. Just take point by point the what 53 says, and try to look up each individual point in Mat., Mark, or Luke and you'll see a stunning reality. You don't have to worry that you're using the Bible to support the Bible because it's already a historical fact....the life and death and reality of Jesus of Nazareth.

Tomorrow is Is. 54-58