Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is. 54-58

I'm liking Isaiah more and more. It speaks to the main problem I've always had with organized religion. I am surrounded by "Christians". Living in the south everyone claims to be a Christian. 95% of the people I know go to church every Sunday. (I am only speaking of the people I know, I am not making assumptions about anyone that I don't know) I see very little Christian- like behavior from theses "Christians" and so I've always associated their poor behavior with all Christians.

Jamie and I have talked about this soosososooo many times....

So anyway, I am loving all the talk about doing good works as opposed to fasting for God. He is looking at theses people and going "are you for real?"....again as Jimmy Buffet put it "there's a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning...."

1 comment:

Jamie said...

And the fasting, as we talked about before, wasn't being done sincerely. That was my point before...that you can't fool God into thinking you're being sincere, so if, like these Israelites, you're just going through the motions, but aren't sincere at heart, then it doesn't even matter. So if you're going through the motions...asking for forgiveness, hail marying, our fathering, taking confession, going to confession, going to church every Sunday, etc. but you aren't doing them with a sincere heart then you might as well sleep in and stop wasting your time, because God will except and NOT accept any of these done with an insincere heart.

This reading is so good, to write more would be to just quote from the whole thing. I really think it speaks for itself. One point I would bring up though is how we are seeing now that all of these promises are now being offered to gentiles as well as Jews. God's promises and covenant are now clearly open to all. When we see "chosen people" now it will be referring to those who willfully set themselves apart for God, regardless of ethnicity, national origin, etc.