Sunday, October 18, 2009

Is 44-48

Who is such a fool as to fashion a god or cast a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
I feel like God can't seem to get over the idol think. We just said that he forgets all of our sins. He doesn't seem to be forgetting this one.
He's going to punish and shame even the men who make them. He goes on and on about it. "Should we just fall down and worship every tree we see" He asks?
He's going to make the crooked path straight. So that they can find Him more easily.
Does the clay ask the potter why he has no handles?
No, because clay can't talk.
God explains that He doesn't hide away in darkness and only speak to a selected few. He is accessible to everyone. He asks that all the idol worshipers come together and explain what they are getting from these gods. I think that's only fair.
God says that he shan't have his name polluted by destyroying his chosen people. Wow, Gods come a long way. But he also says he will not allow the idol worshipers to win. Also fair.
If only, says He, had you listened to me. You would be sooooo much better off.
There is no peace, says the Lord for the wicked.
...I hope so

1 comment:

Jamie said...

It seems like sometimes even He can't believe how stupid we are. (and hard headed (stiff-necked))

He makes a very strong point about how He is THE living God. And the rest are not. How He's done this and that, and these other "gods" that people make with household type items and then overlay with gold or something have (of course) never done anything. I think it's odd, in an interesting way, how He reminds them that at one point they all knew and acknowleged He was the ONLY God. There seems to be this strange sort of silent acknowledgment that at one point mankind new the reality of God and all that He's done. Kind of like when you eavesdrop on a conversation, and one person says that another person has done or said something, and the other person doesn't deny sort of implies that they did do it. Ya know? I hope that makes sense. So, Isaiah says this in a way that he has no doubt that it will not be disputed. Like, it is, in fact, common knowledge.