Sunday, October 18, 2009

Is 40-43

Prepare ye the way of the Lord, prepare ye the way of the Lord.... That's the opening song of one of my fav musicals Godspell.
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.
I love 40:20-21, again in a nutshell he is saying...the idols again?! Really!? Seriously people!? Haven't we bean over this?
We are simply grasshoppers. God can take out the judges and rulers with a sneeze.
There is more talk of Jesus coming.
God says that he has held His peace for a while and He shan't do it anymore. Now he shall cry out like a woman in travail. He will gasp and pant together! He's taking down mountains and drying up pools. God talks a gain about the people only coming to him in time of need. He tells them that everyone, including Jacob has sinned. It seems to me that He's saying, let's just but all of that behind us and look forward. Let's work together to be better people. This is the reading that I like, the reading of hope and promise, of compassion and understanding.


Jamie said...

There are so many good verses in this reading. Lots of God's promises, faithfulness, forgiveness, goodness, blessing, compassion, forgetfulness(of our sins), etc. Isn't that great? God not only forgives us of our sins, but forgets them as well. There's a divine difference between us and God. We have the capacity to forgive, but not forget. And this translates for most people, including me, to forgetting that God doesn't do that. That is, that He doesn't remember our sins. We forget that, and a lot of times feel we don't deserve to forgiven AGAIN. It IS easy. And THAT is what makes it so great.

Jamie said...

In this reading there is an example of an eagle flying high. I know this will sound cheesy, but bear with me.
I feel like God calls us to do this in times of trouble, or when someone is giving us trouble. You see, all the the eagle is mighty and powerful, because of his great strength and size he cannot out maneuver smaller birds. So when he flys at a lower level they sometimes harass him, but all he has to do is to stretch out his four foot wings, catch a stream of air, and fly above...where no other bird other than eagles can fly. Here comes the cheesy part...let God be the air beneath your wings that allows you, as an eagel, to rise higher than your enemies and troubles.