Monday, October 19, 2009

2 Kings 18:9-19 Ps 46, 80, 135

More politics. In the 4th yr of King Hezekiah's reign the king of Assyria came and took Samaria. He then sets his sites on Judah, they don't just roll over though. Hezekiah first offers them gold and silver to leave them alone. The king of Assyria was less than impressed and set men to find out why these people are so bold as to assume they can buy their way out of this. The men give a long speech in the language of the Jews', of which no one understands. They ask that they repeat that in Samarian. This made me chuckle.

Then we get a cameo appearance from Isaiah. He comes with a message from God. He tells Hezekiah to not worry, He's got your back. And indeed he does. God takes it from this point and smites and smotes the Assyrians.

Ps 46:
Let be and be still and know that I am God.
I like this because "be still" is something I try to teach my kids at school. We practice it after we leave the lunch room and are in the hall waiting for our chance at the bathroom. I tell them "its time to practice being still" MUCH more than just standing in one place.I tell them to still their eyes, their brains, their bodies, their ears.....just BE still.....its really, really hard for them. They are getting better at it though.
I think its really really hard for any of us to BE still. We are so busy and so trained to think of two steps ahead at all times that quieting our entire body is impossible. I try to be still and just take in the peace for a few minutes every morning (if I get the blog up in time).

80: give us just one more chance

135: Yea God, Boo idols...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

This is where we see the fulfillment of what God had said would happen.

I like the be still thing too. Be still, and let be still. So be still yourself, and let other be still as well. Some times when we struggle and fight and thrash about it makes things worse.

135:14 For the Lord will judge and vindicate His people, and He will delay His judgements [manifesting His righteousness and mercy] and take into favor His servants [those who met His terms of separation unto Him]. The word vindicate means to clear from accusation or suspicion. We are already accused, by our own sins, God vindicates us [and saves us]. Now, as believers, He will judge us (His people: those who meet [and willingly agree to] His terms of separation [from sin and dedicated] unto Him.

Tomorrow is Is.49-53