Thursday, October 1, 2009

2 Chron. 27 and Is. 9-12

Isaiah is more promise of doom and gloom for these crazy people, who just cant seem to get it together. First, however, we have more talk of this Son of God, fella. Where he is called my favorite nickname, Prince of Peace.

God is so angry that he isn't even going to give mercy to the widow or the fatherless....and he ALWAYS gives mercy to them, they are like his pets. I think God may have been the first parent to say "don't come crying to me when you break your leg", after warning your child not to climb a rotten tree.

God has a whole laundry list of stuff he's gonna do to these people. After hearing it I think Isaiah gets a little worried and wants to make his obedience, fear, and love known. In chapter 12 he gives his thanks and praise, just to be safe.

2 chron 27 is the short account of the reign of Jotham. He did "alright" in the sight of the Lord. He didn't give 100%, but I think he did better than most. After 16 yrs he kicks it and Ahaz takes over.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I was just gonna say something about the prohpesying of Jesus' first coming (and second).

As well as the downfall of the Assyrians.

Tomorrow is Micah (which actually will be for Mond.). Ms. Crystal is gonna be busy for the weekend, so if anyone of you haven't notice that the last four days reading was a little longer cuz we were trying to make up for that 3 day down time. I encourage everyone to read at least a couple verses of something over the next three days. Maybe get a sneek peek at the New Testament. Romans, Hebrews, James, Corinthians...are all good.