Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Amos 3-9

Well I do believe God is finally fed up with these idol worshiping people (as I am with American Idol worshiping people). But he does give them one last chance. Come out come out, wherever you are, beg for your salvation. He wants no more offerings of any kind, just BE GOOD.
He's done, I think. You know when you look at something that is causing you more harm than good. You try and try to make it right and finally you just say "I'm done". And walk away... He wants to say.
He wants to send locust, be he decides against it. Wants to send fire, but decides against it. And finally, he closes the door of mercy!
Amos told them all of this, but they didn't want to listen. They just wanted him to leave.
So God gives Amos a fruit basket, to cheer him perhaps? And He tells him that he is indeed done. And then it gets really dark and gloomy.


Jamie said...

You notice that every time God says He's done with them, just before He lays the smack down, He throws in, Well if they repent with sincerity of heart, I'll forgive them. Maybe that's the difference...when God knows you're sincere He disciplines you, when you're not He punishes you. It may seem like semantics to skeptics, but I think punishment is discipline without the caring what happens to you afterwards.

Amos is not a pro prophet, he's just an average Joe doing what God told him.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow, 2 Chron. 27 and Is. 9-12