Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ps 119 1-88, 1 kings 1-2, 2 chron.1, Ps 72

So as I notice crack open my Bible and turn to Ps 119, I see why I am to only read part of it. This is one long chapter. I had to know, and yes it is the longest in the entire Bible.

It seemed to me as I was reading this that the writer really, really loves God's laws. He thinks they are super great, apparently. I must say for the most part I agree. These are the laws that most of society attempts to follow still today. The writer feels thankful that he was once afflicted, spiritually I am guessing, because out of that he learned the laws more clearly. That caused me to think about people who always seem to have a clear, easy path in life. For the most part, why would they go looking and searching for a deeper meaning? (I'm not saying everyone, I'm not making a broad generalization) I just mean, to me it seems the people who come at life with a little baggage, my look harder, or think deeper, to find the meaning to life.

In Kings Solomon talks with God and asks that he is given great wisdom. That's all he wants...wisdom and the ability to judge fairly. God is so impressed that he didn't ask for riches, long life, death of foes... that he grants his wish and then some.........or was it just a dream???? We all know of course that God does speak to people in dreams. In 2 chron it does not say it was a dream but in Kings it does. I suppose it doesn't matter because Solomon does get his wish.

His first judgement involves two unmarried women and their two (dare I say bastard sons?) fatherless sons. They live alone, one night woman A rolls over and kills her son. So she switches the boys and puts the dead son on her woman Bs bosom. Woman B wakes to find the dead child at her chest and realizes apparently after closer examination that it isn't her child.

They take their case before Solomon. He hears it and makes a great suggestion to me.....he says "why don't we cut the living baby in half and you guys can share, each having half" sounds perfect to me, you would have half the expense. Anywoo.....woman B says "no, let her have the child" only the true owner of the bike would rather not see it cut in half than own part of it.....

Pslam 72 make me feel peaceful.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The word bastard totally appropriate here.

You never knew Newman was a student of Solomon did you? Maybe there's so many "parallels" because Jerry's Jewish. ?

The problem with people trying to follow God's precepts nowadays is that they don't want to attribute them to Him....which from some of our other reading you know leads them to be just as fleeting and ultimately less enforceable or respectable. When morals come from man than why would any other man feel obligated to follow them? They, of course, wouldn't. If all men are equal, than one man's morals cannot be more "right" than any other's. That's where Lenin, Stalin, etc. come in. Moral relativism...the ends justifies the means. That's why our founding fathers were wise enough to describe our rights as coming from our Creator....a set, fixed moral code that cannot be thrown away for convenience or political purposes. This is why I brought up France before, and its failed attempts to establish a completely secular democracy. And this is why Christians feel so strongly that only a democracy based on and acknowledging God and His precepts as inalienable is the only system that can really ensure true human rights.