Thursday, September 10, 2009

Proverbs 19-24

I'm in love with the Proverbs. Really, just in is by far my favorite book up to this point. As I've said I'm a sucker for a good quote and her is chapter after chapter of them. Its like Poor Richard's Almanac BC. Today I've just again listed some of my favorites within each chapter.

19:1, 2, 8, 15

20:11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 29

21:9, 19 (simply because of the images they conjures up)

22:10, 16

23:9, 12, 20

24:26, 29


Jamie said...

I think this book is like gold. Gold, Jerry! Gold!

19:11 Good sense makes a man restrain his anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offense.
There's lots in this reading about overlooking offenses....and about not worrying about getting back at people. God will work all of that out for you. Let Him be your avenger.
Contentions of a wife...
Lots of stuff about what a good wife is and isn't.

Lots of stuff about discipling children. But do not do it just to chastise them.

Lots of stuff about being lazy, and the consequences of it. Again, supports capitalism and free market and private property. Not socialism. It says a lazy man will go hungry, be poor, and do with out. It does not say, don't worry, we'll take from the hard-working to give to you. The truly needy should be voluntarily supported by those who can help. It only takes a little common sense (the eyes God made to see and the ears He made to hear) to be able to discern between who deserves help and who doesn't.

Lots of good advice about drinking, and what it leads to. Do not be a drunk. Do not be ruled by alcohol (or any drug).

Do what you can to avoid strife. I really like this one. My wife and I try very hard to practice this in our relationship. To not have as winning or being right as our most important priority.

Watch what you say. Don't speak to quickly. Think about what you're going to say. And don't act too hastily...get all the facts.

I like 21:5 The thoughts of the [steadily] diligent tend only to plenteousness... Where your thinking is, there, too will your body follow. Like the rudder of a ship.

Talks about being fair and having integrity in all your dealings.

The rich and poor are equal in God's eyes. And so should be in a judges (or ours), and partiality should be shown to neither. So, this notion, that showing partiality to the poor is somehow social or economic justice is ridiculous.

Love 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it.

There has also bean a big theme in here concerning co-signers. I get the strong feeling God doesn't think this is a good idear.

Focus on doing what is right and on understanding, knowledge, and wisdom, not on gaining wealth.

23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.... We should learn to control our thoughts...that will lead to control over our mouths and actions.

23:20 not among...gluttonous eaters of meat, I know Crystal loves this one. Next time you have a pastor who (without a thyroid condition) preaches a sermon about abstaining from drinking and smoking (because your body is a temple of God) humbly approach him alone afterwards and show him this verse. It is no better to be a glutton [of food] than a drunk.


God knows the sincerity of our hearts. That's why no one need fear that a killer on death row can simply pray a prayer and be forgiven without true sincerity and repentance.

I like vs. 13-14... You'll know godly Wisdom because it is sweet like honey.

in vs. 17 we are told to do something that is very difficult sometimes...don't rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad. This is probably about forgiveness. Giving forgiveness so that you can receive God's forgiveness.

Tomorrow, 1 Kings 5-7, 2 Chron. 2-4

Jamie said...

On my comment about 23:20, I left out that this is if the pastor is overweight. Crystal and I have spoke about his before. It's kind of a pet peeve of mine....for pastors who are busting out of their suits to be banging the pulpits screaming how wrong drinking, smoking, piercings, and tatoos are, while they are 100lbs. overweight. You don't have to be the bowflex guy, but come one, let's have a little commons sense and apply the whole of the Bible to all, not parts to some.